327.You have a database with the following tablespaces: SYSTEM, SYSAUX, UNDO, USERS, TEMP.
You want to"roll back" the data in the USERS tablespace to the way it looked yesterday. Whichtablespaces do you need to perform a point-in-time restore operation on in order to complete this task?(Choose all that apply.)A. SYSTEMB. SYSAUXC. UNDOD. USERSE. TEMPF. This restore is not possible.345.What view might you use to try to determine how long a particular backup will take?
A. V$SESSION_EVENTB. V$SESSIONC. V$WAITSD. V$WAITSTATE. V$SESSION_LONGOPS375.Over the course of a day, a department performed multiple DML statements (inserts, updates, deletes)on multiple rows of data in multiple tables. The manager would like a report showing the time, table name,and DML type for all changes that were made. Which Flashback technology would be the best choice toproduce the list?A. Flashback DropB. Flashback QueryC. Flashback Transaction QueryD. Flashback Versions QueryE. Flashback Table379.Users notify you that their application is failing every time they try to add new records. Because ofpoor application design, the actual ORA error message is unavailable. What might be the problem?(Choose the best answers.)A. The application user has exceeded their undo quota.B. The FLASHBACK GUARANTEE option is set on the undo tablespace.C. The table is currently being queried by a Flashback Transaction Query operation.D. The table is currently being queried by a Flashback Versions Query operation.E. The RETENTION GUARANTEE option is set on the undo tablespace.395.Which of these formats represents the correct hierarchy for the ADR?A. <diagnostic_dest>/rdbms/diag/<dbname>/<instname>B. <diagnostic_dest>/diag/rdbms/<instname>/<dbname>C. <diagnostic_dest>/diag/rdbms/<dbname>/<instname>D. None of the above
301.Which command is used to configure RMAN to perform a compressed backup for every backup
executed?A. BACKUP AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET DATABASEB. BACKUP AS COMPRESSED COPY OF DATABASEC. CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK BACKUP TYPE TO COMPRESSED BACKUPSETD. CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK BACKUP TYPE COMPRESSE. BACKUP DATABASE COMPRESSAnswer: C302.You issue the following command:RMAN>CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION ON;What is the result of this command on your backups?A. An incremental backup strategy will be used automatically.B. Read-only datafiles will not be backed up as long as backups of those files already exist and thosebackups meet established retention criteria.C. RMAN will configure itself for maximum performance at the cost of CPU.D. RMAN will configure itself for minimal OS/CPU impact at the cost of time to back up the database.E. RMAN will automatically compress backups.Answer: B303.What is the purpose of the RMAN recovery catalog? (Choose all that apply.)A. It must be used because all RMAN-related backup and recovery metadata information is contained init.B. It provides a convenient, optional, repository of backup- and recovery-related metadata.C. It provides the ability to store RMAN scripts for global use by any database that has access to therepository.D. It provides a means of storing all RMAN backup sets physically in an Oracle database server.E. It provides the ability to store backup records for more than a year.Answer: BCE304.What privileges must be granted to allow an account to create the recovery catalog? (Choose all thatapply.)A. RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNERB. DBAC. RESOURCED. SELECT ANY DICTIONARYE. CONNECTAnswer: AC305.Which command do you use to create a recovery-catalog schema?A. create recovery catalogB. create catalogC. build catalogD. catalog createE. mount catalogAnswer: B306.If you back up a database without connecting to the recovery catalog, which operations will cause therecovery catalog to be updated? (Choose all that apply.)A. The next time you back up the database when you are also connected to the recovery catalog and thetarget databaseB. The next time you are connected to the target database and the recovery catalog database and issuethe resync commandC. The next time you connect RMAN to just the recovery catalogD. The next time you connect to the recovery catalog and the target database with RMANE. Connecting to the recovery catalog and issuing the resync all databases commandAnswer: AB307.You have created a script in the recovery catalog called backup_database. Which of the followingcommands would successfully execute that script?A. run { open script backup_database; run script backup_database }B. run { engage script backup_database; }C. run { run script backup_database; }D. Run { execute script backup_database; }E. The name backup_database is an invalid name for an RMAN script. Trying to run it from RMAN wouldresult in an error.Answer: D308.In what order would you execute the following steps to create a recovery catalog?A. Issue the create catalog command.B. Create the recovery-catalog database.C. Create the recovery-catalog user.D. Grant the recovery_catalog_owner privilege to the recovery-catalog user.E. Issue the register database command from the target database.F. a, b, c, d, eG. b, a, d, c, eH. b, c, d, a, eI. b, c, d, e, aJ. b, d, c, a, eAnswer: C309.How would you grant the RVPC user access to specific RMAN database records in the RMAN virtualprivate catalog?A. Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the target database.B. Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the recovery-catalog database.C. Issue the grant command from the recovery catalog-owning schema user account in the recoverycatalog.D. Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the recovery catalog-owning schema.E. Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the target database.Answer: D310.The RVPC user can do which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)A. Register databases if granted the register database privilegeB. See all databases in the recovery-catalog schemaC. See all database-related metadata in the recovery catalog if they are granted access to that databaseD. Unregister databases from the RVPC catalog that were not granted to the RVPC catalog owner withthe grant commandE. Not be connected to with the RMAN command-line catalog parameter for backup or recovery purposesAnswer: AC311.Given the scriptcreate script db_backup_datafile_script{backup datafile and 1, and2 plus archivelog delete input;}What is the result of running this command?Run {execute script db_backup_datafile_script using 2;}A. The script will fail since you instructed RMAN to back up only one datafile rather than two.B. The script will successfully back up datafile 3 without error.C. The script will fail since it uses a substitution variable which is not supported.D. The execute script command will prompt for the value of and2 since it's not included in the command.E. The script will fail because you cannot use the plus archivelog command when backing up databasedatafiles.Answer: D312.Which is the correct way to connect to both the target database and the recovery catalog from theRMAN command line? Assume that the target database is called ORCL and that the recovery catalogdatabase is called RCAT. Also assume that the recovery-catalog owner is called RCAT_OWN. Assumethe environment is configured for the ORCL database. (Choose all that apply.)A. rman target=/ catalog=/@rcatB. rman target=/ catalog=rcat_own/rcat_ownC. rman target=/ catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATD. rman target=sys/robert@orcl catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATE. You cannot connect to the target database and the recovery catalog at the same time.Answer: CD313.What command would you issue to enable automated backups of control files?A. alter database controlfile autobackup onB. alter system controlfile autobackup onC. configure controlfile autobackup onD. enable controlfile autobackupAnswer: C314.Given the following RMAN commands, choose the option that reflects the order required to restoreyour currently operational ARCHIVELOG-mode database.A. restore database;B. recover database;C. shutdown immediateD. startupE. restore archivelog all;F. alter database openG. a, b, c, d, e, fH. c, b, a, d, e, fI. c, b, a, d, fJ. c, a, b, dK. c, a, e, b, d, fAnswer: E315.Which commands are used for RMAN database recovery? (Choose all that apply.)A. restoreB. repairC. copyD. recoverE. replaceAnswer: AD316.Given a complete loss of your database, in what order would you need to perform the followingRMAN operations to restore it?A. restore controlfileB. restore databaseC. restore spfileD. recover databaseE. alter database openF. alter database open resetlogsG. b, a, c, d, eH. a, c, b, d, fI. c, a, b, d, eJ. c, a, b, d, fK. e, a, b, d, cAnswer: D318.Which command will restore all datafiles to the date 9/30/2008 at 18:00 hours?A. restore datafiles until time '09/28/2008:21:03:11';B. restore database files until time '09/28/2008:18:00:00';C. restore database until time '09/28/2008:18:00:00';D. recover database until time '09/28/2008:18:00:00';E. recover database until timestamp '09/28/2008:18:00:00';Answer: C319.What is the end result of these commands if they are successful?RMAN> show retention policy;RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_nameORCL are: CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; # defaultBackup database tag=gold_copy plus archivelog tag=gold_copy delete input; Backup databasetag=silver_copy plus archivelog tag=silver_copy delete input;A. Attempting to restore silver_copy will fail.B. Attempting to restore gold_copy will fail.C. Both backups will be available for restore without question.D. Attempting to restore gold_copy may or may not succeed.E. You will not be able to restore either gold_copy or silver_copy.Answer: D320.You are using RMAN to backup your ARCHIVELOG mode database. You have enabled control-fileautobackups. Which files are not backed up during the RMAN backup?A. Database DatafilesB. Database Control FilesC. Online redo logsD. Archived redo logsE. The database SPFILEF. None of the above, all these files are backed up.Answer: C321.True or false: RMAN offers the equivalent of the SQL command alter database backup controlfile totrace.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer: B322.You need to restore your database back to 9/30/2008 at 18:00. In what order would you run thefollowing commands to compete this task?A. restore controlfile until time`09/30/2008:18:00:00';B. restore database until time`09/30/2008:18:00:00';C. restore spfile until time`09/30/2008:18:00:00';;D. recover database until time`09/30/2008:18:00:00';E. alter database open resetlogs;F. alter database open;G. b, d, eH. b, d, fI. c, a, b, d, eJ. c, a, b, d, fK. a, b, d, eAnswer: A323.What is the correct order of the following commands if you wanted to restore datafile 4, which wasaccidentally removed from the file system?A. sql 'alter database datafile 4 online';B. restore datafile 4;C. recover datafile 4;D. sql 'alter database datafile 4 offline';E. startupF. shutdownG. a, c, b, dH. d, b, c, aI. f, d, b, c, a, eJ. c, a, b, d, fK. a, b, d, eAnswer: B324.Your database is up and running and one of your three control files is accidentally erased. You startRMAN and run the following command:RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP;Which of the following statements is true? (Choose all that apply.)A. The command restores only the missing control file.B. The command restores all the control files.C. The command fails because the database is running.D. This is the correct way to address this problem.E. This is not the correct way to address this problem.Answer: CE326.Which of the following does the recover command not do?A. Restore archived redo logs.B. Apply archived redo logs.C. Restore incremental backups.D. Apply incremental backups.E. Restore datafile images.Answer: A328.You have backed up your database using image copies. You have lost the SYSTEM tablespace andneed to restart your database as quickly as possible. What is the correct solution?A. Restore the SYSTEM tablespace from the last backup set and then recover the database.B. Restore the SYSTEM tablespace image copy using the restore command and then restore thedatabase.C. Use the switch datafile command to instantly switch to the datafile copy, recover the tablespace, andopen the database.D. The database is not recoverable in this situation with image copies.E. Manually copy the datafile image copy to the correct location and then manually restore the databasefrom SQL*Plus.Answer: C329.If you find errors in the view V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION with a status ofMEDIA_CORRUPT, what RMAN command would you run to correct the problem?A. recover lost blocks;B. recover corrupt blocks;C. recover media corrupt blocks from list;D. recover corrupt blocks from list;E. recover corruption list;Answer: E330.What will be the end result of this set of RMAN commands?shutdown abortstartup mountrestore datafile 4 until time ,,09/30/2008:15:00:00;recover datafile 4 until time ,,09/29/2008:15:00:00;alter database open resetlogs;A. Datafile 4 will be recovered until 9/30/2008 at 15:00 and the database will open.B. The restore command will fail.C. The recover command will fail.D. The alter database open resetlogs command will fail.E. All these commands will fail because they must be in the confines of a run block.Answer: D332.David managed to accidentally delete the datafiles for database called DSL. He called Heber andHeber tried to help but he managed to delete the control files of the database. Heber called Bill and Billsaved the day. They are using a recovery catalog for this database. What steps did Bill perform to recoverthe database and in what order?A. Restored the control file with the RMAN restore controlfile command.B. Mounted the DSL instance with the alter database mount command.C. Restored the datafiles for the DSL database with the RMAN restore command.D. Opened the DSL database with the alter database open resetlogs command.E. Recovered the datafiles for the DSL database with the RMAN recover command.F. Started the DSL instance.G. Connected to the recovery catalog with RMAN.H. a, b, c, d, e, f, gI. b, c, d, g, f, e, aJ. g, f, a, b, c, e, dK. c, a, d, b, f, e, gL. g, f, a, b, e, c, dAnswer: C334.What command would you use to ensure that backup records in the control file are pointing to actualphysical files on the backup media?A. crosscheckB. list backupC. confirmD. resyncE. backup validateAnswer: A335.You have backed up your database twice without connecting to the recovery catalog. What commanddo you issue to transfer the control-file metadata to the recovery catalog?A. synch catalogB. resync catalogC. replicate catalogD. update catalogE. restore catalogAnswer: B336.You want to make sure that your database backup does not exceed 10 hours in length. Whatcommand would you issue that would meet this condition?A. backup database plus archivelog;ivlog until time 10:00;B. backup database plus archC. backup database plus archivelog timeout 10:00;D. backup database plus archivelog duration 10:00;E. backup database plus archivelog timeout 10:00;Answer: D338.You run the following commands:RMAN> list expired backup;RMAN> delete expired backup;What will happen to the backup set pieces associated with the backups that appear in the list expiredbackup command?A. They will be renamed.B. Nothing will happen to them. The backup set pieces do not exist.C. They will be deleted immediately since they are not in the flash recovery area.D. You will need to manually remove the physical files listed in the output of the commands.E. They will become hidden files and removed 10 days later.Answer: B339.Why would you run the delete obsolete command? (Choose all that apply.)A. To remove missing backup set pieces physically from diskB. To remove metadata related to backup set pieces in the control file and the recovery catalogC. To mark as deleted records in the control file and the recovery catalog associated with obsolete backupsetsD. To delete backup set pieces associated with backups that are no longer needed due to retentioncriteriaE. To remove old versions of RMAN backupsAnswer: CD340.What does it mean if a backup is expired?A. The backup set has exceeded the retention criteria set in RMAN and is eligible for removal.B. The backup set has one or more invalid blocks in it and is not usable for recovery.C. The backup set contains one or more tablespaces no longer in the database.D. The backup set contains one or more missing backup set pieces.E. The backup set is from a previous version of RMAN and was not upgraded.Answer: D341.If a backup set is expired, what can you do to correct the problem?A. Change the retention criteria.B. Make the lost backup set pieces available to RMAN again.C. Run the crosscheck command to correct the location for the backup set piece contained in themetadata.D. Nothing. The backup set piece is lost forever.E. Call Oracle support, their assistance is required.Answer: B342.How long will this backup be allowed to run?Backup as compressed backupset duration 2:00 minimize load database ;A. 2 minutesB. 2 hoursC. 2 daysD. The command will generate an error.E. This backup is not constrained by any time limitation.Answer: B343.What is the impact of the following backup if it exceeds the duration allowance? (Choose all thatapply.)Backup as compressed backupset duration 2:00 partial minimize load database ;A. The entire backup will fail. It will not be usable for recovery.B. The entire backup will fail, but any datafile successfully backed up will be usable for recovery.C. If this backup fails, subsequent backups will prioritize datafiles not backed up.D. If this backup fails, an error will be raised and any other commands will not be executed.E. If this backup fails, no error will be raised and any other commands will be executed.Answer: B344.In what view are you likely to see the following output?SID SERIAL# EVENT SECONDS_IN_WAIT121 269 RMAN backup & recovery I/O 2129 415 SQL*Net message from client 63 130 270 SQL*Net message from clientA. V$SESSION_EVENTB. V$SESSIONC. V$WAITSD. V$WAITSTATE. V$SYSSTATAnswer: B346.What is the impact of the results of the output of the following command?RMAN> report unrecoverable database;Report of files that need backup due to unrecoverable operationsFile Type of Backup Required Name4 full or incremental C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\USERS01.DBFA. There are no backup sets with any backups of the users01.dbf datafile.B. The users01.dbf datafile has had unrecoverable operations occur in it. It will need to be backed up orsome data loss is possible during a recovery.C. The users01.dbf datafile is corrupted.D. The users01.dbf datafile backup exceeds the retention criteria.E. The last backup of the users01.dbf datafile failed and must be rerun.Answer: D347.What does the output on this report indicate?RMAN> report need backup;RMAN retention policy will be applied to the commandRMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1Report of files with less than 1 redundant backupsFile #bkps Name5 0 C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\MY_DATA_01.DBFA. The my_data_01.dbf datafile is corrupted and needs to be restored.B. The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report does not imply that the data inthe datafile can not be recovered.C. The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report implies that the data in thedatafile can not be recovered.D. The my_data_01.dbf datafile no longer meets the retention criteria for backups.E. Datafile 5 is missing.Answer: B348.What does the minimize load database parameter mean when backing up a database?A. RMAN will attempt to make the backup run as fast as possible without any IO limitations.B. RMAN will automatically restrict the number of channels in use to one.C. RMAN will spread the backup IO over the total duration stated in the backup command.D. RMAN will skip any datafile that currently is involved in an IO operation. RMAN will retry backing up thedatafile later and an error will be raised at the end of the backup if the datafile cannot be backed up.E. Datafiles will be backed up; those having the lowest current number of IO operations will be backed upfirst.Answer: C350.Why would you execute the report obsolete command?A. To list all backups that were no longer available for restore operationsB. To list all backups that had aged beyond the RMAN retention criteriaC. To list all backup set pieces listed in control-file or recovery-catalog metadata that are not on thebackup mediaD. To list all datafiles that are no longer part of the database and thus do not need to be backed upE. To list all archived redo logs that are no longer needed for any database recoveryAnswer: B351.What information does the report schema command not provide? (Choose all that apply.)A. Size of the datafilesB. Size of the tempfilesC. Date of last backup for datafiles and tempfilesD. Filenames for each datafileE. Checkpoint SCN associated with the last RMAN backupAnswer: CE352.If a backup is expired, which of the following is true?A. It can never be used for a restore/recover operation.B. Oracle will remove the backup set pieces from the flash recovery area.C. The backup has been used at least once to restore and recover the database.D. The backup is no longer valid because of a resetlogs operation.E. The physical backup set pieces are missing from the media.Answer: E353.True or false: tablespace point-in-time recovery is possible only with RMAN.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer: B354.Which command is used to begin a tablespace point-in-time recovery?A. Restore tablespaceB. Recover tablespaceC. Tablespace recoverD. Recover to timeE. recover datafileAnswer: B355.When youre performing active database duplication, a backup of what kind is required?A. A current RMAN backup-set backup is required.B. No backup is required.C. An RMAN image backup is required.D. A manual backup is required.E. A "duplicate" preparatory backup is required.Answer: B356.Which of the following commands will perform an active database duplication of the ORCL databaseto the ORCL2 database?A. Set oracle_sid=orcl rman target=sys/robert auxname=sys/Robert@orcl2 create duplicate targetdatabase to neworcl from active database nofilenamecheck spfile set control_files 'c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control01.ctl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control02.ctl' set db_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl' set log_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl';B. Set oracle_sid=orclrman target=sys/robert auxname=sys/Robert@orcl2 duplicate target database nofilenamecheck spfile setcontrol_files'c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control01.ctl', 'c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control02.ctl' setdb_file_name_convert'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl' set log_file_name_convert'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl';C. Set oracle_sid=orcl rman target=sys/robert auxname=sys/Robert@orcl2 duplicate target database toneworcl nofilenamecheck spfile set control_files 'c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control01.ctl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control02.ctl' set db_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl' set log_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl';D. Set oracle_sid=orcl rman target=sys/robert auxname=sys/Robert duplicate target database to neworclfrom active database nofilenamecheck spfile set control_files 'c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control01.ctl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control02.ctl' set db_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl' set log_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl';E. Set oracle_sid=orcl rman target=sys/robert auxname=sys/Robert@orcl2 duplicate target database toneworcl from active database nofilenamecheck spfile set control_files'c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control01.ctl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl\control02.ctl' set db_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl' set log_file_name_convert 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl','c:\oracle\oradata\neworcl';Answer: E357.How many database instances are used during a database-duplication process?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourE. FiveAnswer: B358.What command is used to reset a database to a previous incarnation?A. reset incarnationB. incarnation resetC. reset database to incarnationD. reset database incarnationE. reset databse incarnation numberAnswer: C360.When performing a full database disaster recovery with RMAN, in what order would you executethese steps?A. Restore the control file from autobackups.B. Run the RMAN restore and recover command.C. Restore the database spfile from autobackups.D. Make the RMAN backup set pieces available.E. Open the database with the alter database open resetlogs command.F. Open the database with the alter database open command.G. a, b, c, d, e, fH. c, d, a, b, fI. d, c, a, b, fJ. d, b, d, c, eK. d, c, a, b, eAnswer: E361.When performing a database duplication, which duplicate database parameter would you set toensure that the online redo logs are created in the correct location?A. log_file_name_convertB. convert_log_file_nameC. file_name_convert_logD. redo_log_file_name_convertE. logfile_convert_directoryAnswer: A362.Which command would correctly start a TSPITR of the USERS tablespace?A. recover tablespace users until time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;B. recover tablespace users time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary; time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;C. recover tablespace users to point-in-D. recover tablespace users except time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;E. recover tablespace users until time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;Answer: E363.True or false: you can perform an active database duplication when the database is inNOARCHIVELOG mode.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer: B364.When running the tablespace point-in-time commandrecover tablespace usersuntil time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;you receive the following error:RMAN-00571: ===========================================================RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============RMAN-00571:===========================================================RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 10/08/2008 16:00:30RMAN-20202: Tablespace not found in the recovery catalogRMAN-06019: could not translate tablespace name "USERS"What is the likely cause of the error?A. The database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.B. There is not a current backup of the database available.C. The USERS tablespace has dependent objects in other tablespaces and can not be a part of a TSPITRalone.D. The USERS tablespace is not eligible for TSPITR because it has invalid objects.E. The recover tablespace command is incorrect and generates the error.Answer: B365.Which of the following restrictions are not true with respect to tablespace point-in-time recovery?(Choose all that apply.)A. The target database must be in NOARCHIVELOG mode.B. No backup is required of the database before you perform a TSPITR.C. You must have all archived redo logs generated since the last backup up to the point to which you wantto restore the transport set.D. If you rename a tablespace, you can not perform a TSPITR to any point in time before that renameoperation occurred.E. If you have tables in tablespace_1 that have associated constraints in tablespace_2, then you musttransport both tablespaces.Answer: AB366.If you are going to run a TSPITR recovery, which view will help you to determine which objects will belost during the TSPITR?A. TS_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPEDB. TS_PTTR_OBJECT_DROPPEDC. TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPEDD. TS_OBJECTS_DROPPEDE. TS_DROPPED_OBJECTSAnswer: C367.Youre performing tablespace point-in-time recovery on a tablespace called USERS. If an object inthat tablespace has a foreign key constraint owned by another object in the INDEX_TBS, which statementis true?A. You cannot perform the TSPITR with the constraints enabled.B. You must perform the TSPITR recovery of both tablespaces for it to be successful.C. You can perform TSPITR only on the USERS tablespace.D. RMAN will determine if the INDEX_TBS tablespace must also be duplicated and will duplicate itautomatically.E. The TSPITR will only be successful if the constraint is enabled.Answer: B368.When issuing the duplicate database command, you use the parameterDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT. For what purpose do you use this parameter?A. To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance online redo logs.B. To indicate the location of the target database datafiles.C. To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance control file and online redo logs.D. To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance database datafiles.E. This is not a valid parameter when duplicating a database.Answer: D369.Which of the following identifies and creates an index to minimize the DB time for a particular SQLstatement?A. The SGA Tuning AdvisorB. The SQL Access AdvisorC. The SQL Tuning AdvisorD. The Memory AdvisorAnswer: C370.Why should you back up a duplicated tablespace after a TSPITR is complete?A. The tablespace cannot be duplicated or restored to any point in time after the duplication.B. The tablespace cannot be duplicated or restored to the point in time before the duplication.C. The entire database cannot be restored after a TSPITR, so a backup is required.D. You cannot bring the tablespace online until its been backed up.E. There is no requirement to do so, as RMAN will back up the tablespace after the TSPITR.Answer: B371.In what state are the datafiles of a tablespace after a TSPITR has been successfully completed?A. The datafiles have an ONLINE status.B. The datafiles have an OFFLINE status.C. The datafiles have an ONLINE status and are in hot backup mode prepared for an online backup.D. The datafiles have an OFFLINE status and are in hot backup mode for an online backup.E. The datafiles are in STANDBY mode.Answer: A372.Which command do you use to generate a report of database incarnations?A. list incarnation of databaseB. report incarnation of databaseC. list database incarnationD. database incarnation listE. report database incarnationAnswer: A373.Which of the following Oracle features utilize the undo tablespace? (Choose all that apply)A. Flashback QueryB. Flashback DropC. Flashback TableD. Flashback DatabaseE. Transaction ProcessingF. Recycle BinAnswer: ACE374.Which of the following statements are true regarding the Recycle Bin? (Choose all that apply.)A. The Recycle Bin is a physical storage area for dropped objects.B. The Recycle Bin is a logical container for dropped objects.C. The Recycle Bin stores the results of a Flashback Drop operation.D. The objects in the Recycle Bin are stored in the tablespace in which they were created.Answer: BD376.A user named Arren is executing this query:select table_name, operation, undo_sqlfromflashback_transaction_query t,(select versions_xid as xidfrom employees versions between scn minvalueand maxvaluewhere employee_id = 123) ewhere t.xid = e.xid;When the query runs, he receives an ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error. Since the user owns theemployees table, you know that it is not the problem. Which of the following SQL statements will correctthis problem?A. GRANT SELECT ANY TRANSACTION TO ARREN;B. GRANT SELECT ON FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY TO ARREN;C. GRANT SELECT_ANY_TRANSACTION TO ARREN;D. GRANT FLASHBACK TO ARREN;E. GRANT SELECT ANY VIEW TO ARREN;Answer: A377.AUM has been retaining about 15 minutes worth of undo. You want to double the retention period, butnot at the expense of new transactions failing. You decide to alter the system to set the parameterUNDO_RETENTION=18000. However, AUM still retains only about 15 minutes worth of undo. What is theproblem? (Choose the best answer.)A. You need to alter the undo tablespace to add the RETENTION GUARANTEE setting.B. You need to increase the size of the undo tablespace.C. The undo tablespace is not set to auto-extend.D. You need to alter the Recycle Bin to add the RETENTION GUARANTEE setting.Answer: C378.In order to perform Flashback Transaction Query operations, which of these steps are required?(Choose all that apply.)A. Ensure that database is running with version 10.1 compatibility.B. Enable Flashback Logging.C. Enable Supplemental Logging.D. Ensure that the database is running with version 10.0 compatibility.E. Ensure that the database is in ARCHIVELOG modeAnswer: CD381.Which pseudocolumn could you use to identify a unique row in a Flashback Versions Query?A. XIDB. VERSIONS_PKC. VERSIONS_XIDD. VERSIONS_UNIQUEAnswer: C382.Which of the following can be used in conjunction with a Flashback Versions Query to filter the results?(Choose all that apply.)A. A range of SCN valuesB. A list of SCN valuesC. A starting and ending timestampD. Minimum and maximum sequence valuesE. A list of sequence valuesAnswer: AC383.At the request of a user, you issue the following command to restore a dropped table: flashback table"BIN$F2JFfMq8Q5unbC0ceE9eJg==$0" to before drop; Later, the user notifies you that the data in thetable seems to be very old and out of date.What might be the problem?A. Because a proper range of SCNs was not specified, the wrong data was restored.B. A proper range of timestamps was not specified, so the wrong data was restored.C. A previous Flashback Drop operation had been performed, resulting in multiple versions of the tablebeing stored in the Recycle Bin.D. Either option A or B could be correct. Not enough information was provided to determine which.E. None of the above.Answer: C384.Which of the following statements is true regarding the VERSIONS BETWEEN clause?A. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may be used in DML statements.B. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may be used in DDL statements.C. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may not be used to query past DDL changes to tables.D. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may not be used to query past DML statements to tables.Answer: C385.Which of the following statements is true regarding implementing a Flashback Table recovery?A. An SCN is never used to perform a Flashback Table recovery.B. If a significant number of changes have been made to the table, row movement must be enabled.C. The tablespace must be offline before performing a Flashback Table recovery.D. Flashback Table recovery is completely dependent on the availability of undo data in the undotablespace.Answer: D386.You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command:flashback table employees to scn 123456;The employees table has triggers associated with it. Which of the following statements is true regardingthe state of the triggers during the Flashback Table operation?A. All the triggers are disabled.B. All the triggers are enabled by default.C. Enabled triggers remain enabled and disabled triggers remain disabled.D. Triggers are deleted when a Flashback Table operation is performed.Answer: A387.Which method could be utilized to identify both DML operations and the SQL statements needed toundo those operations for a specific schema owner? (Choose all that apply.)A. Query DBA_TRANSACTION_QUERY for TABLE_NAME, OPERATION, and UNDO_SQL. Limit rowsby START_SCN and TABLE_OWNER.B. Query FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY for TABLE_NAME, OPERATION, and UNDO_SQL.Limit rows by START_SCN and TABLE_OWNER.C. Query FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY for TABLE_NAME, OPERATION, and UNDO_SQL.Limit rows by START_TIMESTAMP and TABLE_OWNER.D. Query DBA_TRANSACTION_QUERY for TABLE_NAME, OPERATION, and UNDO_SQL. Limit rowsby START_SCN and TABLE_OWNER.Answer: BC388.Flashback Database relies on which technologies to recover to a point in time?A. Flashback Data ArchiveB. Flashback logs in the flash recovery areaC. FlashbUndo tablespaceD. RMAN command lineE. None of the aboveAnswer: B389.The _______ writes the Flashback Database logs in the flash recovery area.A. FLSHB. FLDBC. RVWRD. RVRWE. FBDAAnswer: C390.Which of these are valid Flashback Database recovery point parameters? (Choose all that apply.)A. SCNB. TimestampC. Named recovery pointD. Transaction IDE. Session IDAnswer: ABC391.When setting up the Flashback Data Archive, which of these key parameters are required? (Chooseall that apply.)A. Tablespace nameB. Storage quotaC. RetentionD. Table nameE. Create a default archiveAnswer: AC392.To clean up old records that are in a Flashback Data Archive and are past the retention period, whatmust the DBA do?A. TRUNCATE the archive table.B. DROP the Flashback Data Archive.C. Nothing; expired rows are automatically removed.D. Nothing; expired rows are moved to an archive table.E. Delete entries from the archive where the metadata date retained is greater than the retention period.Answer: C393.Which of the following initialization parameters have been deprecated in Oracle 11g because of theintroduction of the Automatic Workload Repository? (Choose all that apply.)A. BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTB. FOREGROUND_DUMP_DESTC. CORE_DUMP_DESTD. USER_DUMP_DESTE. DIAGNOSTIC_DESTF. All of the aboveAnswer: ACD394.Which of the following statements is true regarding the initialization parameter DIAGNOSTIC_DEST?The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_HOME; if $ORACLE_HOME isn'tset,A. then the default is set to $ORACLE_BASE. The default value is the value of the environment variable$ORACLE_BASE; if $ORACLE_BASE isn't set,B. then it is set to $ORACLE_HOME.C. DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_HOME.D. DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_BASE.Answer: B396.Which of the following are not fundamental tasks of the Support Workbench? (Choose all that apply.)A. View long-running SQL workloadsB. View problem detailsC. Gather additional diagnostic informationD. Create a Service RequestE. Clean up incident data after upload to Oracle SupportAnswer: AE397.Which of the following tasks does the tool Incident Packaging Service (IPS) perform?A. Cleans up the ADR by deleting files not associated with an incident uploaded to Oracle Support.B. Identifies all files associated with a critical error and adds them to a zip file to be sent to OracleSupport.C. Automatically opens a Service Request with Oracle Support for each critical error and sends allrelevant files.D. Displays a high-level view of critical errors on the database home page.Answer: B398.Choose the correct order to package and upload data for an incident to Oracle Support.A. Schedule, create new package, view manifest, view contentsB. Create new package, view manifest, view contents, scheduleC. Schedule, create new package, view contents, view manifestD. Create new package, view contents, view manifest, scheduleE. None of the above.Answer: D400.Which of the following methods can be used to detect block corruption?A. ANALYZE operationsB. dbvC. SQL queries that access the potentially corrupt blockD. RMANE. All of the aboveAnswer: E